Friday, January 23, 2015

Increase your sales by knowing your product position in Market!!!

Increase your sales by knowing your product position in Market!!!

For any company, Customers and stakeholders are talking about you somewhere on Facebook,Twitter, or blogs. How do you learn about it? Well, you can get powerful social insights by connecting Microsoft Dynamics Navision Online to Microsoft Social Listening.

Microsoft Social Listening collects data from social media websites and presents it to you in easy-to-consume charts and graphs that you can use to spot emerging trends in people’s comments it may be regarding product feature enhancements or may be services related to products whether they’re positive, negative, or neutral. 

You can drill down into the data and see who is mentioning you, where they posted the comment, and exactly what they said. Armed with these insights, you can pinpoint what you’re doing right, and address potential issues before bigger problems arise. This is an excellent feature for OEM to enhance the product value in market

Configuration of Social Listening into MS Dynamics Nav. 2015 is very easy and user friendly …to know more about such features coordinate with our consultants at or visit us at
Author: Mukesh Mittal (Business Advisor)
Reviewed By: Gunalan Kalairajan (Consulting Head)

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